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Kavod Ha'Tefillah Initiative

Baruch Hashem our shul has grown, and continues to grow, at an astonishing rate. The number of new families who come and join us Shabbos after Shabbos is a testament to the warmth and camaraderie that our Bais Hakneses exudes.

But like any growing shul, we have our challenges. We can always improve and we have the strength to make our Mikdash Me’at a truly special Makom Tefillah. To that end, we turn to you, simply as concerned members and friends of the shul, and ask you to pledge in writing, by clicking on this link, to refrain from talking during davening. We'll start with the month of Sivan, but our hope obviously is to ultimately continue this effort far past just this initial month.

Our goal is to collect as many commitments from the shul as we can, with the hope that the vast majority, if not all of our members will join us in this effort. We will publicize the names of those that have committed in the hope that those who haven't done so yet will be inspired and commit as well.

Thank you,

The Rav and the Board of Trustees of Kehillas Ahavas Yisrael
Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785